The location of a collection agency does not matter.
Hiring a collection agency significantly differs from hiring a local Plumber, Cleaner or Mover.
Are you a Small Business owner or a Medical Practitioner searching for a Collection Agency near you?
Go for a better collection agency licensed to recover money in your state regardless of their location. Look for an agency with a higher recovery rate, follows all debt collection laws, protects your reputation during the collection process, has data protection checks in place, and offers cost-effective solutions.
You are not alone. There is a common misconception that a local collection agency will be more effective, provide better service, and recover more money from your debtors versus the one on the country’s other coast. Not True.
Need a Collection Agency with good recovery rates? Contact UsServing Clients NationwideDebt collection offices located all across USA |
Stop searching for a “Collection Agency Near Me“. Give us a chance to explain why.
- You will never visit the Collection Agency’s office to submit accounts. Instead, you will send your past-due accounts from your home or office through their secure website.
- Similarly, a local Debt Collector will never personally go to your debtor’s house to collect money. The debt collectors either send collection demands, make calls, or hire an attorney to recover money. Then why restrict yourself to hiring a Collections Agency near your home or office?
- Have you ever checked if your other bills, like utility or insurance bills, were generated locally or from a different city? You don’t. Similarly, debtors don’t care if payment demands originate from a local agency or an agency elsewhere.
- If your debtor relocates to a different state, your local collection agency won’t be able to pursue your account anymore. Very few collection agencies have a license to collect in all 50 states.
If a collection agency covers all 50 states and has good reviews, it’s ideal. Whether a Collection Call or a Collection Letter to your debtor originates from your city, verses from New York or San Francisco does not matter.
How to Shortlist a Collection Agency?
Therefore, if you are searching for a “Collection Agency near me, ” you may be making a mistake. You are not alone. Many small businesses have this natural tendency. All that matters is whether or not a Debt Collection Agency is licensed to collect in your state.
A local presence matters only when an account gets transferred for legal collections because a legal suit against the debtor will be filed in the local court, depending on your jurisdiction or county. The good news is that almost all good Collection Agencies have a nationwide network of attorneys. Their fee is usually the same if you go through a Collection Agency or approach them directly. Since Collection Agencies regularly transfer their accounts to local lawyers near you, they are likely to act more seriously when a Collection Agency is involved because it also impacts their future business.
We hope this article was helpful, regardless you are located in New Jersey or California!
Contact us, and we will connect you to a Collection Agency (for free) with experience in your industry that delivers higher recovery rates and is fully licensed to collect money in your state.