Directory >> USA >> Vermont
List of collection agencies in Vermont
- RCMC Collection Agency -Vergennes ( : Ph: 844-220-0085, 802-870-7088)
- Garbely & Associates: Stowe (, Ph: 802-760-6804)
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There are very few collection agencies that have physical offices in VT. However, many outside-state collection agencies are fully licensed to collect money in VT.
Debt Collection Laws in Vermont
- Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA): Like all states, Vermont is subject to the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. The FDCPA applies to third-party debt collectors and prohibits them from using deceptive, abusive, or unfair practices when collecting a debt.
- Vermont Fair Debt Collection Practices Act: Vermont has its own version of the FDCPA, known as the Vermont Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. This state law extends many of the protections of the federal FDCPA to cover original creditors in addition to third-party debt collectors. This includes prohibitions against harassment, false statements, and unfair practices.
- Statute of Limitations: As of 2021, the statute of limitations for written contracts and credit card debts in Vermont is 6 years. For oral contracts, it is 3 years. Once this period has passed, debt collectors cannot sue to collect the debt. Note that acknowledging the debt or making a payment can restart the statute of limitations.
- Wage Garnishment: In Vermont, if a creditor has obtained a judgment against a debtor, they may be able to garnish wages. Federal law limits garnishment to the lesser of 25% of disposable earnings or the amount by which weekly disposable earnings exceed 30 times the federal minimum wage, and Vermont law generally conforms to these limits.
- Bank Account Levies and Property Liens: After obtaining a judgment, a creditor may seek to levy a debtor’s bank account or put a lien on the debtor’s property. Vermont law provides certain exemptions that may protect a portion of the debtor’s assets.
- Communication with Debt Collectors: Under Vermont law, debt collectors are subject to restrictions on their communication practices. For example, they cannot contact debtors at inconvenient times, harass them, or communicate with third parties about the debtor’s debt without permission.
- Exemptions: Vermont law provides various exemptions to protect a debtor’s property from being seized to pay a judgment. This includes exemptions for homesteads, personal property, wages, and certain types of income such as social security and retirement benefits.
- Licensing and Bonding: Debt collectors operating in Vermont must be licensed and bonded.
Again, please note that laws are subject to change. Consult a lawyer or legal aid organization for the most current information and advice on dealing with debt collectors in Vermont.
Popular cities in CT are Burlington, Essex, South Burlington, Bennington, Rutland, Colchester, Brattleboro and Milton.